Sphumelele asks: After the saga with the 22 year old guy I decided to take a break from the dating scene and focus more on me and things that make me happy. A few weeks ago I bumped into a family friend whom I had a crush on since I was 16. Turns out the guy actually loves me but I just can’t shake off the feeling that if I let him in he might just break my heart. Shirelle should I let him in or should I just listen to the voice at the back of my head saying I shouldn’t give him a chance? Honestly he has shown me he is worth trusting…. I’m even more confused
Hi Sphumelele – I’m really glad you had the strength to break up with the 22-year-old. And, funny as it sounds, that’s my answer to your question about this other man. You see, we are often scared of things that might hurt us a little (like I ... read more