Tebby asks: I broke up with my boyfriend 4 days ago, and the same day he called me several times and I hung up all his calls. Now I’m missing him a lot, and since then he’s never called again or checked up on me. I don’t know what to do, because I get tempted to call him, but deeply I just feel that if I do, he’ll never realize his mistakes and come back to fix anything; instead he will just become worse and take advantage. At times I even ask myself if he does miss me too, but why doesn’t he call – or maybe he just doesn’t care? I’m scared to make the first contact, because I don’t know what I’m expecting from him after that breakup. What should I do – because I need his attention?
Hi Tebby – One of the toughest parts of growing up – for us dogs as well as you humans – is mastering empathy. Sometimes we’re too ‘nice,’ and all we do is what someone else wants. And that’s no way to live. Then other times we’re so caught up ... read more