Daisaie asks: I’ve never been so depressed and broken. My parents are always yelling at me because apparently I’m failing to become the daughter they expect and things has gotten worse since last year. The class teacher is also making the matter worse. I try keeping myself motivated but it’s not working anymore. I’ve fell down from being a top student to failing in most subjects now. They never support me rather they end up discouraging me. Their comments have hurt me to the bottom of my heart and I’ll never be able to forget those. I’ve lost interest in everything. I seriously can’t take it anymore! I can’t even get a counselor. I really wanna get out of this mess so help me please.
Hi Daisaie – Wow is this a sad letter! You sound to me like you’re in a full-on depression. That’s not abnormal, especially for a teenager. In fact, I’ve never known a teenage human to get from ten years old to twenty without getting depressed. But I know, that doesn’t make ... read more